Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen (MINT EDITIONS) by Liliuokalani

Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen (MINT EDITIONS) by Liliuokalani

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Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen is an autobiography by Queen Lili‘uokalani. Published in 1898, the book was written in the aftermath of Lili‘uokalani’s attempt to appeal on behalf of her people to President Grover Cleveland, a personal friend. Although it inspired Cleveland to demand her reinstatement, the United States Congress published the Morgan Report in 1894, which denied U.S. involvement in the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen appeared four years later as a final effort by Lili‘uokalani to advocate on behalf of Hawaiian sovereignty, but it unfortunately came too late. That same year, President McKinley and the United States Congress approved the annexation of Hawaii.